
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Upcoming Travels

We are planning and preparing for some upcoming travel. I thought I would attach a map of Southern Africa so that you could see where we will be heading. If you click on the map, it will show you a full size image and you can read the locations.

S.M.A.S.H. (Students Ministering And Serving Him), will be from June 23-29, and we will be going to Swaziland. We will take a group of teens from South Africa to minister with us. Please pray for all involved, that it will be a fruitful time of growth and ministry.

Brad & I will travel back to Johannesburg with some of the teens, returning them to their homes, before heading out again to Pietermaritzburg for Holiday Bible Club at one of the local churches. We are expecting around 250 kids and will be teaching on the theme Back to the Beginning (creation). There is a lot of planning and preparing for this and please pray for all of us that we are well prepared.


  1. Thank you for sharing your up coming travels and events!! We enjoy sharing in prayer with you!

  2. Sounds like another busy month in the life of a missionary. You'll be in my prayers. Enjoy hearing about all the goings-on there.
