
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Prayer Update

We've been kind of quiet since we arrived back in Africa. Moving into a new house keeps us busy! We've been enjoying catching up with churches and friends, and have enjoyed some end of year functions, as December is not just Christmas holidays here in South Africa, but also the end of the school year. We are busily wrapping up the last week of homeschool, with Brandon finishing Grade 10, Marissa, Grade 6 and Mya, Grade 1.

This afternoon we are hosting an evangelism class in our home for the young adults and youth from Ekukhanyeni Baptist Church with Pastor Henry & Janet Houk. We are looking forward to the opportunity to equip these youth that are excited about reaching their community for Christ!
On Saturday, Brad is speaking to the Senior Saints at Grace Baptist Church, Northdene. He is planning lots of fun games! Please keep him in your prayers.
Thank you for your faithful support and prayers! It's why we are able to do what we do in South Africa.