
Friday, October 25, 2013

Video Update

Check out this video update on our ministry with Word of Life South Africa!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Final SMASH 2013 Update

Thank you so much for your prayers and support for our SMASH trip to Cape Town! We were part of a group of 49 teens, young adults and staff and were able to work with 3 different pastors doing a variety of ministry including door to door evangelism, playing games with kids, soccer tournament, drama, and tract drops.

From Brad:
I had an opportunity to speak at a soccer tournament, with around 47 decisions for Christ! It was awesome to be used by God!  
It was a blessing to see some of those that we have been pouring our lives into over the years taking over leadership roles on the ministry team. What an encouragement that they were capable and willing to step up to the plate when needed! I preach and teach and harp on discipleship, and I love to see it in action - we have shown them how to do it, done it with them, and now we could sit back and watch them at work! 
Sbu (one of WOLSA's National Missionaries) & Brad
This is the first time my son, Brandon was old enough to be an official SMASH participant, and it was great to see him being used in the ministry and the growth that was a direct result of this trip. I can't wait to see what God is going to continue to do in his life.

From Brandon:
I would say the highlight of my ministry on SMASH was playing with the kids. The kids spoke mostly Afrikaans, so it was a real challenge to communicate, but I enjoyed working with them because us being there obviously meant a lot to them. 

I had the opportunity to share the gospel in that same area when we did door to door evangelism. We came across a teenage boy, and he was very open to hearing about the gospel. You could see that God was working in his heart and he made a decision for Christ. It was really encouraging for God to use me, and I was challenged to continue ministering in life, not just on SMASH.

We attended a youth rally with teenagers from several different churches. As our group was 49, we nearly outnumbered them! It was fun and encouraging to spend time with other believers the same age from a different part of the country.
All in all, I had a great time and this trip will have a lasting impact on me!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Thank you for your prayers as I shared at the Ladies' Retreat with the women from Grace Baptist Church in Queensburgh. I really enjoyed getting to know these precious ladies better!

We had a refreshing, relaxing time away together, renewing ourselves in the Word, in worship and wonderful friendship.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

God's Plans

God had different plans for our Sunday than we did! Yesterday our meeting at Pine Town Baptist was cancelled. Then this morning at 5:30 we got a phone call asking for Brad to preach for the pastor at Crossroads as he had lost his voice. I so enjoyed the service there this morning! I felt like the worship songs were handpicked with me in mind. It felt like a special gift from God! We had a great time of fellowship with friends there. 
And yesterday we found out that our friends Henry & Janet Houk were presenting their ministry at Grace Baptist Queensburgh tonight before they leave for furlough on Thursday, so we got a double blessing, hearing about their ministry at Ekukhanyeni Baptist and fellowshipping with with our friends there, too.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Prayer Update

A SMASH Update will be coming SOON!
In the meantime, Brad and Brandon have returned home safely and hit the ground running. They returned Monday night. Tuesday morning, Brandon was back to home school and Brad went off to teach his first class for the new term at Durban Bible College. This term Brad is teaching Youth Ministry on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Wednesday night Brad met with the Young Adults from Bethany Baptist Church continuing the series on evangelism.

Later today Brad will be having a discipleship meeting with Sbu and Philani from Ekukhanyeni Baptist Church. Their pastor, Henry Houk, will be joining them today. Pastor Henry is going on furlough next week and Brad will be discipling Sbu and Philani, meeting with them weekly in his absence, as well as assisting with any needs the church has with their youth.
Pastor Henry & Janet Houk, ABWE Missionaries
Please pray for me as I finish preparing my lessons and present them at a Ladies' Retreat with Grace Baptist Church, Queensburgh Ladies this Friday & Saturday! Please pray for a calm spirit and clear communication, as well as a relaxing fun time away with other women!

Sunday we are off to Pinetown Baptist Church to start training with their youth workers.

There is so much that God is doing in Durban, and we are grateful to be involved with just a small part of it! Pray for us to continue to walk closely to Him so that we can serve and minister others effectively.

Mary, for the fam
Brad, Mary, Brandon, Marissa & Mya