
Saturday, June 4, 2022

Mya's Missions Trip


I would like to share with you the opportunity the Lord has given me to serve in Port Shepstone during my school break on a short-term mission trip! I will be part of a Word of Life Missions team called SMASH (Students Ministering And Serving Him). Through SMASH, young people from around Durban have the opportunity to minister in South Africa for a week!

My trip to Port Shepstone will be from 3-9 July. I will meet with my team before my trip for training. Along with the rest of my team, I will learn how to share the Gospel clearly, effectively share my personal testimony, and spend time preparing for specific ministry opportunities. This will be a great chance for us to develop team unity as well as prepare for our time in Port Shepstone.

While in Port Shepstone, we will work alongside Port Shepstone Baptist Church together with Word of Life Missionaries, ministering in a variety of ways in order to share the Gospel with those we meet. We will help with Holiday Bible Club and have various opportunities to serve and share Christ in the community. We will have a full schedule, sharing the hope of salvation with as many people as we can!

I am writing to invite you to be a part of what God is going to do through this team in Port Shepstone. I am currently putting together a team of people who will support the work financially as well as through prayer. Will you commit to pray for me both as I prepare for the trip and while I am in Port Shepstone? In addition to prayer support, I need to raise $130 for trip expenses (food, lodging, transportation, ministry funds, etc.). Will you consider joining my financial team by giving a special gift toward my goal? Thank you for prayerfully considering how you can be part of what God is doing through Port Shepstone SMASH!

In case you are interested in being a part of my team to reach youth in Port Shepstone, I have included banking details below. Please use my name and SMASH as a reference. I am excited to see how the Lord will lead me through this experience and opportunity!


Mya Hawkins 

Give in US: (write Mya SMASH in summary)

Give in South Africa: Word of Life South Africa FNB Clearwater Branch code: 254-005 
Account # 62009024093
(Use Mya SMASH as a reference)

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

May Hawkins' Headlines

 Sanibonani from Afrika!

We are excited to share with you some of the ministry opportunities we have already had this year! 
We had a great time of fellowship and encouragement at our Leader's Conference and an amazing challenge from the Word of God from Pastor Trent Eayrs. Thank you to all those that were able to come! We had representatives from 8 churches, and missed those that were unable to attend. Looking forward to a great year ahead working alongside them and pouring into the lives of youth at each of the churches!

Thank you for your continued prayers regarding Mary’s visa. At this point, she is here on a 90 day visitor’s visa and will have to request a 90 day extension at the beginning of June. In order for her to get a longer visa, she will have to return to the US to apply. We are praying for wisdom regarding each step we take in this process. To go to the US to apply would mean separation for an unknown period of time while she waits for the visa application to be processed. We know that God’s timing is perfect and He is in control.

In April, subtropical cyclone Issa passed through Durban resulting in massive flooding and over 430 deaths. We are fortunate that we did not have major damage to the Word of Life property. We lost the new retaining wall and have water in our newly renovated office block. Just as we started repairs, we had another major storm that resulted in more flooding and further damage to the property. Please pray for a quick resolution with the insurance company so that the repairs can be made before any further damage is done. 

We would like to present you with an opportunity to support Lamoudi Nawezi, a young lady with a desire to attend the Genesis Program with WOL South Africa. The aim of this program is to offer young adults an opportunity to study God's Word, be discipled, and get involved in various ministries in order to equip them to grow in their walk with the Lord and serve Him whole-heartedly wherever He takes them in life. The inclusive cost for studies, room and board, etc. is $1500. You can give to help cover her costs by indicating Genesis Project on the response slip and returning it to WOL, or by going to this website and noting Lamoudi’s name in the summary: The Genesis Program is from July - December, but it is just the beginning!

Marissa has finished her academic year at the WOL Bible Institute in Florida, and is transitioning into counseling at camp for the next 6 weeks. Brandon & Brianna are waiting for Taiwan to open up for them to apply for visas, and in the meantime, they have been given the opportunity to also work in the camping ministry with Word of Life in Florida, so they will be on the same campus with Marissa. Mya turns 15 this month and is in Grade 9.