
Friday, August 4, 2006

From Mary

We are keeping busy and trying to keep warm!!!!!!!!!  It snowed in Joburg
this week for the first time in 8 years, and we had a record breaking coldest
day in Johannesburg
(and very windy)!  Now, I know that many of you will not find 8 C (46 F) very
cold, but in a brick house with no insulation, single pane windows and space
heaters, you would be surprised!  I don’t think our house got above
60 F.  I can’t imagine what it must be like for those living in
shacks in squatter towns.

We have been meeting with the couple that we mentioned, Earl
and Gena, on Tuesday nights.  We are really excited as we get to know them
better.  Please keep us in your prayers as we disciple them.  Pray
that we are faithful in our friendship and that we have wisdom in discipleship.

Pray also for Brad as he has the opportunity to share the
gospel at an Olympian (Children’s) Club tonight.  He is excited at
the opportunity to share as well as to spend some time getting to know the
leaders and youth a bit better.  Brandon
will be going with him. 

The kids and I went ice skating this morning and had a
  There is a local mall that
has an ice skating rink and the homeschoolers meet there the first Friday of
every month.  This is probably our 5th time, but the first time
since we left for furlough in February.  It was amazing to see Brandon’s
confidence grow with each lap around the ice rink.  Usually we stay for
about an hour, but today it was 2 ½ hours!  By the time we left he
was going around and around without holding on to the side.

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