
Thursday, September 6, 2018

Marissa's Missions Trip

Dear Friends & Family,

I would like to share with you the opportunity the Lord has given me to serve in Kokstad during my school break on a short-term mission trip! I will be part of a Word of Life Missions team called SMASH (Students Ministering And Serving Him). Through SMASH, young people from around Durban have the opportunity to minister in South Africa for a week!

My trip to Kokstad will be from 30 September – 6 October. I will have a few meetings before my trip for training. Along with the rest of my team, I will learn how to share the Gospel clearly, effectively share my personal testimony, and spend time preparing for specific ministry opportunities. This will be a great chance for us to develop team unity as well as prepare for our time in Kokstad.

While in Kokstad, we will work with Word of Life Missionaries and alongside First Baptist Church of Kokstad, running Holiday Bible Club and ministering in a variety of ways in order to share the Gospel with those we meet. Our team will also have a chance to do work projects at the church. We will have a full schedule, sharing the hope of salvation with as many people as we can!

I am writing to invite you to be a part of what God is going to do through this team in Kokstad. I am currently putting together a team of people who will invest in the work financially as well as through prayer. Will you commit to pray for me, both as I prepare for the trip and while I am in Kokstad? In addition to prayer support, I need to raise $150 for trip expenses (food, lodging, transportation, ministry funds, etc.). Will you consider joining my financial team by giving a special gift toward my goal? Thank you for prayerfully considering how you can be part of what God is doing through SMASH Kokstad!

In case you are interested in being a part of my team to reach youth in Kokstad, I have included details below for giving. Please let me know the amount if you give so that I can keep track of my progress toward my goal. I am excited to see how the Lord will lead me through this experience and opportunity!

Marissa Hawkins

For Online Giving - go to and put Marissa SMASH in the summary to be sure it’s credited toward my trip
Give by Mail, by sending a check along with a note indicating that the gift is for Brad Hawkins South Africa Project 06113C to Word of Life, PO Box 600, Schroon Lake, NY 12870
Here are the banking details to give in South Africa - Word of Life South Africa FNB Clearwater Branch code: 254-005 Account # 62009024093 and use SMASH Marissa Hawkins as a reference

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