
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Mya coming to America

I know many of you have been praying about Mya's paperwork for adoption and our trip to America.  I'm going to give you some specifics, so you know a little better how to pray for us....

3 months ago, we tried to apply for Mya's passport.  We were told that we must have a letter of permission from the Social Development department or have the adoption finalized in order to do so. When we approached the Social Development department, we were told that the adoption will be finalized ANY time now, and it would be easiest to go that route, so we waited....

Now we have run into some complications with the paperwork for the adoption, and the adoption cannot be finalized until at least August 2, making that WAY too late to apply for a passport to fly on August 13! So on to the permission to take her out of the country as a foster child....

In order to do this we had to get permission from her mother (granted last Tuesday) and then take that to the Social Development dept. to have permission granted from the minister. This is what we're waiting for now. We are hoping to have permission by Wednesday.  Then we need to take this form to the Home Affairs dept. to apply for the passport.  Once the passport is received, we need to apply for a Visa.

Now, if you have not lived in South Africa, you may not understand that we need God's hand to get this accomplished in time, but we do! Paperwork here is processed at a painstakingly slow rate. PLEASE pray that God orchestrates the steps of those involved to work together to get this done in time.  We know that we have an ever faithful God that is all powerful!  God can do anything.

We just can't imagine leaving our little girlie behind in SA for 3 whole months!  Resting in the hands of our loving God, knowing that He knows best.

Thanks for your prayers!
Brad, Mary, Brandon, Marissa & Mya