
Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Prayer Update

Thank you for your prayers! Brad arrived safely in the US and is surviving despite jet lag. His first meeting to share the ministry went well and the church and pastor were a blessing and an encouragement to him. Thank you, East End Baptist Church!

We were also blessed by being offered 2 cars for Brad to use while in the US! Of course, he only needed one, but God supplied above and beyond what we needed.

John, Christy, CJ and Chae Page arrived safely in South Africa last Thursday and we have enjoyed the time to get reaquainted. (You can check out their blog by clicking here.)  The kids have played together morning till night. God's timing has been perfect with their arrival. For the next month we will be living on the same property and CJ and Chae have been the perfect distraction to keep the kids from dwelling on Brad's absence. Marissa and Brandon have provided a distraction of sorts, as well, helping keep CJ and Chae from being homesick. Isn't it amazing how God works in the smallest of details?

Please continue to keep Brad in your prayers, for safety in his travels and opportunities to share about what God is doing in South Africa. Please pray, also, for the kids and I as we count down the days till he returns. We have been very busy and it helps the time go by faster!

Thank you for your prayers. We would love to hear from you! Drop us a line and let us know what you're up to.

Mary, for the fam
Brad, Mary, Brandon & Marissa Hawkins
Word of Life South Africa

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear from you Mary! I remember when Lou would be gone when our children were young and we'd do those projects that we didn't get done when he was there like wallpapering or painting a room, sewing projects, making Christmas gifts etc. One time we went with a family to the zoo which was fun!! We are thinking of you and praying especially for you all these days Mary!!!!
