
Saturday, October 26, 2024

Go Share Day!

We partnered with Redfern Bible Church today for a great day of evangelism and ministry! 

"Thank you and your team for joining us for evangelism at Redfern Bible Church. We appreciate your help and training our men for evangelism. May God's glory continue to shine on you and your ministry. Blessings"

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Sunday, October 20, 2024

WOL Indo-Pacific Youth Ministry Summit


Amongst other upcoming ministry opportunities, November brings a trip to the Philippines for the Word of Life Indo-Pacific Local Church Ministries Conference. Our Regional Directors John & Christy Page requested that we attend to prepare us to better coach and serve the Local Church missionaries throughout Africa and the Middle East. It has been exciting to see God's hand of provision for this trip. Please pray for smooth travel and for things at home to run smoothly while we are away!

S.M.A.S.H. (Students Ministering And Serving Him) Update #3


“I am thankful for you and Uncle Brad and everyone at Word of life for the opportunity to serve on SMASH. I am now even more challenged to share the gospel everyday outside of SMASH in my personal life. I also learned the importance of sharing certain struggles with other Christians and praying and growing together…. This year has been quite a challenging year spiritually, so I am grateful that this short time at Smash was replenishing and encouraged a stronger walk with the Lord.”

Mala Shingleton, Age 16

S.M.A.S.H. (Students Ministering And Serving Him) Update #2


God’s provision is so breathtaking. It has been great to see how He provided for each of the students on our recent missions trip! S.M.A.S.H. (Students Ministering And Serving Him) gives young people from all around South Africa the opportunity to be missionaries for a week. Our annual SMASH trip was 22-29 September, and we had ten students and young adults take part. They raised support from their churches and various individuals and committed to spending their school break to doing ministry. The team had the chance to minister in a variety of ways in order to share the Gospel with those we met. We ran children’s meetings, youth meetings, evangelistic outreaches, and various other opportunities to serve and share Christ in the community. We were able to come alongside various local churches and ministries and lend a helping hand, including Malvern Children’s Home and Sinakekele Children.