
Sunday, December 29, 2019

Update from Brandon

We are excited that Brandon has the opportunity to head to Taiwan as a short-term missionary with Word of Life as he continues his studies online with Calvary University. Follow this link to learn more about his trip:,
or sign up for his mailing list here:

Friday, November 29, 2019

Classroom Renovation

The team from the US has been gone a week now and I still can't believe all they accomplished! Tonight we will be using the classroom for a Jr Youth meeting, first of many we pray. Here is a video of all they were able to get done. If you and your church want to come and visit we are ready and willing. Next project is the cottage!

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Joburg SMASH 2019

Here is a quick video from our SMASH trip last week! 
We will write an update to go with it soon. Watch this space!

Monday, September 2, 2019

September Hawkins Headlines

Sanbonani - Hello!

Here’s a quick email to let you know what we are up to here in South Africa. God has been doing some amazing things, we will just highlight a few of them for you.
It has been a great year for our Local Church Ministries, supporting and training the churches that are using our material with their ministries. We have 4 more churches ready to start training to use Word of Life, with the potential of others by the new year! 
Mary had the chance to speak at a WOL Women of Worth Ladies’ Conference at Port Shepstone Baptist Church, about 1 1/2 hours south of Durban. The theme was Legacy of the Redeemed, focusing on the women in the line of Christ. We had a great turnout with over 60 women. It was a beautiful day!
Many of you will remember that we had an intern last year, William Mohapi. He left to study for a year at the Word of Life Bible Institute in Uganda. He graduated and is back in Durban living with us and shadowing Brad. He is in the picture above with the family. We so appreciate one more set of hands to work! We have plenty of work for more. If you would be interested in joining us, contact us for more information!
Marissa had the opportunity to join the Word of Life Student Fusion team in Johannesburg earlier this year on a missions trip. The short term missions team came in from the the US. She flew on her own to meet them and did ministry with the team for 2 weeks, reaching out to many schools and churches doing a variety of ministries. 
We are preparing for our annual S.M.A.S.H. (Students Ministering And Serving Him) missions trip. This years team will be 21 people, comprised of young adults and students from South Africa, including Marissa. This trip will run from 21-29 September. We will be serving in Johannesburg doing a variety of ministries, including running Holiday Bible Club (VBS), doing children’s ministries with some other local churches, and doing work projects at the Word of Life property. We require the youth to raise their support for this trip, as any missionary would. It is exciting to see their faith grow as God provides. Marissa is looking for prayer and financial partners for this trip - contact us if you would like to know more about how to get involved. Please pray for all the aspects of this trip, including planning, safety in travel, and all the logistics involved. 
Brandon has finished and graduated from his second year at the Word of Life Bible Institute. He has applied to study distance learning through Calvary University, where Mary has already started classes. He is planning to come to South Africa to join Brad’s home church on a missions trip to help us with a work project on the property in Durban. Since he is in a transition period, he will stay in South Africa a bit longer than the rest of the team to help us out with the ministry.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers for our ministry!
Serving Him,
Brad, Mary, Brandon, Marissa & Mya Hawkins
Word of Life South Africa

Sunday, March 24, 2019

March Hawkins' Headlines

Here's a quick update from WOL Durban! We are surviving a hot, humid summer and enjoying being busy in ministry.

Brad has been busy preaching and teaching in local churches. He has had quite a few opportunities to fill the pulpit for local pastors. Also, he has just started training the youth leaders from a church new to Word of Life and there are two other churches almost ready to start training. Between training new churches and keeping up with discipleship of those using Word of Life materials, it keeps him on his toes!

Our Timothy Discipleship Program has been moving along nicely, meeting once a month with 3 young men. We now have a group of young ladies ready to start! It is so thrilling to see young people serious about growing in their faith and becoming more Christ-like.

Excitingly, the property project is moving along nicely, with all of the progress being paperwork. We are ready to see some visible changes to the property, but we know that having plans engineered and submitted properly are an important foundation! The building plans will be submitted at the end of this month, and hopefully, they will be approved quickly so that as soon as funds are available we can start on the first building project. Please contact us if you would like to give toward this project. We will post pictures on our blog, as well as on Facebook.

Mary has just finished teaching a term of Ladies' Bible Study at church on Spiritual Gifts. It is always a pleasure to teach the Word of God. She continues to homeschool Marissa (Grade 11) & Mya (Grade 6), as well as running the children’s youth at church, and serving on the worship team. Recently, Mary has applied to Calvary University to complete her Bachelor's Degree in Biblical Counseling! Please pray for wisdom and time management. We have seen such a need for Biblical Counseling in our ministry here in South Africa, and she is so excited at the opportunity to help meet this need.

Currently Brandon is on spring break from his sophomore year at the Word of Life Bible Institute (WOLBI). He has the privilege of going to Taiwan on a 10 day missions trip with his classmates from April 18-28. You can find more details at He will finish his academic studies at WOLBI in May. During the summer, he will spend 8 weeks in ministry at the Word of Life Camp in Florida.

In South Africa, coming up next on our calendar is BattleZone Camp March 28-30 - a short camp to prepare our teens for the battle of living for Christ in their daily lives. Subsequently, on 11 May, we have Kids’ Fun Day. This is a great evangelistic opportunity that we run for our churches to bring children and their unsaved friends. Please pray that both of these events run smoothly and God is glorified.