
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Brad preached at Bethany Baptist Church this week. It has been great to have so many opportunities to get to know the church family there. We always feel at home there and enjoy the fellowship.

This week was the final exam for Brad's first year Evangelism students at Durban Bible College (DBC), and we all got in on the practical part of the exam, as they had they had to share the gospel with MarissaBrandon and I. It was great to see how much they had learned! Please pray that they put what they have learned about evangelism into practice in real life!

Brad is continuing to teach the Young Adults Group at Bethany Baptist Church on Wednesdays, and has started a video series from The Way of the Master. The young adults are starting to open up and share, and it is encouraging to see spiritual growth.

On a family note, Mya turned 6 this week. She is growing up too quickly. She keeps us laughing, and is so good at making everyone feel loved. We are so grateful that God brought her into our family!