
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Prayer Update

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers! Our SMASH trip to Cape Town was amazing! It was exciting to see the impact that it had on each of the people in our group. There were 35 of us, and we are praising God for the ministry opportunities in Holiday Bible Club, Camp and Evangelistic Outreaches, as well as the safety provided for our group as we traveled.

In the last month the events on our already busy calendar have multiplied! Please keep us in your prayers as we have jumped into some new roles in our church. Brad & I are now leading Word of Life Clubs in our senior youth, Brad teaching a teen Bible study, Mary leading a children's choir, along with Mary's previous involvement with Olympians in the junior youth and the music ministry. Of course, these activities are on top of our ministry with Word of Life!

Please pray specifically that we will remain focused on God, His Word and our families needs during this busy time.

We are preparing for 3-4 weeks of mid-week (Monday-Friday) local SMASH mission opportunities for teens in June/July. South Africa is hosting the FIFA Soccer World Cup, and schools will be out for 6 weeks. We are going to be teaming up with local churches and going into nearby settlements to run soccer clinics, tournaments and Holiday Bible Clubs. We are looking at the involvement of up to a total of 60 teens (20 weekly) and working with up to 12 local churches. Please pray for the details of each week to be sorted out and for things to run smoothly so that the Gospel can be presented in a clear manner, resulting in salvation decisions as well as opportunities for follow-up and discipleship through the local churches!

Thank you for your prayer for our ministry!
Love, Mary for the fam
Brad, Mary, Brandon, Marissa & Mya