
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Prayer Update

Well, hello again from the busy city of Johannesburg! We just keep running along to keep up with what God has in front of us.

Sunday we visited Valley Baptist Church, with Pastor Ada & his wife
Rachael. It is a wonderful church on the East side of Johannesburg,
and we really enjoyed our time of fellowship together. They have
decided to have a Word of Life Teen Club, and will be starting
orientation once a week for the next three Saturdays. We are thrilled
to be working with them!

will notice that our schedule is quickly filling up - here is a preview
of what March looks like for us right now, with new items being added
daily to the list....

March 3, 7 & 10 - Orientation with Valley Baptist Church
March 17 - Soccer Marathon in Diepsloot
March 19-26 - Born Again To A Living Hope
March 26-29 - Battlezone Camp

with these scheduled events, Brad is trying to visit youth meetings on
Friday nights and also visit some of the churches on Sundays. This
helps build relationships, and makes him available for any questions or
concerns that the youth leaders or pastors may have.

We will also be meeting with Deon, Earl & Gena for discipleship weekly (Tuesday & Wednesday evenings).

keep us in your prayers, that we keep God's vision for the ministry and
don't get to busy "doing" to spend time in His presence seeking His

teammates, Alan & Rachael Schuster, will be moving back to
Johannesburg March 16. Please continue to pray for the sale of their
house. There have been a few offers, but nothing is final yet.

Thank you for your prayers!
Mary, for the fam
Brad, Mary, Brandon & Marissa Hawkins
Word of Life South Africa

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Prayer Update

Dear Friends

            I can’t believe what all has happened in the
last two weeks.  It has been great times of seeing God do His thing.  Last week
I got a call from a youth leader from one church asking me to contact another
church who needs help in their youth ministry.  I was able to meet with Pastor
Ada of Valley
Baptist Church
.  The family and I will be visiting
the church soon just to meet everyone.  God just keeps send people our way and
that makes everything that much more exciting.

            On Sunday this week Mary and I were to visit
a new church and I was even going to share about WOL.  We were so excited about
meeting with them and sharing what all God is doing here in South Africa
with the youth.  We were on our way (about 2 miles away from the house) to the
church and our car just died.  We had to call for help and began to realize we
wouldn’t be able to make it to the church.  I had to call the Pastor and let him
know what happen.  This was the first time we ever had to do that.  I was very
disappointed but we are working on rescheduling the meeting.  We were able to
get the car fixed the next day and now we are back up and running

Prayer Request:

  1. New Churches

  2. Youth Leaders and

  3. Soccer Marathon coming soon
  4. Family

  5. Schuster’s home to

  6. Recent trouble with

Praise Items:

  1. Discipleship of
    young people

  2. New Churches calling

  3. God's provision for
    the Ministry

  4. Safety in
In His Service,

Brad Hawkins

Word of Life South Africa

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Prayer Update

We have been updating you regularly about our Word of Life Clubs, and the growth in the number of churches we've been working with. This continues still, praise the Lord! We received another call this week about a church that is interested. We are excited to see the number of youth that are growing in the Lord as a result of faithful youth leaders in their churches.

We are also excited about the way God is allowing us to be used with those that we are discipling and doing Bible Study with outside of the club ministry. Brad is continuing to meet weekly with Deon and the two of us are beginning next week to continue our meetings with Earl & Gena.

The Ladies' Bible Study I have been working with is changing slightly due to the needs of those in the study, and has become, for the time being, an online Bible Study, communicating throughout the week through email and holding each other accountable for daily quiet time and scripture memory. We will soon be starting a study on a book of the Bible, as well. We are discussing meeting bi-weekly at our home, but we have to consider the needs of these ladies that work outside of the home and also have families that need them. Please pray that we make a wise decision, considering what God would have us do with our time.

Brad and the kids slept out in the tent last night, and we are taking the day off from formal schooling in honor of Valentine's Day. We have been making chocolates and valentines for our American friends, and will be having a family date this afternoon to miniature golf. Dad took the day off work, with the exception of a lunch meeting, and we are enjoying a relaxing morning together at home.

Mary, for the fam
Brad, Mary, Brandon & Marissa Hawkins
Word of Life South Africa

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Prayer Request

Please pray for our friends, Tim & Kim Carter. Below is a letter from them that will explain:

First, we just want to thank God for
his love, provision, and his peace. We truly know that God is in control of
everything and that the things brought into our lives are to help us to become
more like him. We know he has a perfect plan through these difficult times but
he loves us and we are excited about how God is going to use this in our

Thank you for your cards and e-mails
expressing your love and support by prayer. We knew and still know that many
people are praying for us and lifting us up before God’s throne. This has been
an awesome learning time for us because we could truly understand the peace that
comes from God because of your intercessory prayer on our

Here is a quick update on where we
are at.

On Fri. 1/5 the results of a chest
X-ray revealed a large mass in my chest. I had a CTscan on Mon. 1/8 which did
confirm this and was scheduled right away an appointment with a Oncologist
doctor on Tues. 1/9(Dr. Castro). On Tuesday, the doctor explained to us that my
tumor was about 14 centimeters X 9 centimeters and where it sat in my chest. It
had displaced my trachea a little, collapsed a portion of my left lung and was
touching my heart. Because of the size and placement of the tumor I was
admitted to the hospital right away. On Wed. 1/10 I had a bone marrow biopsy
which was negative and a biopsy of the tumor to determine exactly what it was.
I was diagnosis with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Large cell B on Thursday 1/11. On
Fri. 1/12 I began my first treatment of chemotherapy around 3pm. My body did
have a few side effects and the treatment ended around 3:30am on Saturday. I
then had another drug that was by IV over the next 24 hours. Saturday was a
much easier day. I was released from the hospital on Tuesday 1/16. I have felt
pretty good since being home and have been able to eat again. My taste buds are
all over the place though; it may sound good in my head but not my mouth. On
Sat. 1/20 I took my last medicines and they say my blood counts will be
declining and there will be decline in my body physically. I agree with them
because I have been really tired most of the day and slept pretty well. It will
take a few days and the counts will increase again and I should start feeling
better again. They checked my counts again today 1/23 and they are at the
bottom, which explains why I have been achy and sore the last 4 days. The
hardest thing has just been not being able to get comfortable in any positions
and the sore, achy body. I go back down on Fri. 1/26 for another count they
just want to make sure they come back up. My next treatment is Thurs.

The doctors expectations are that
after I go through the next 5 chemotherapy treatments that my tumor with shrink
in size and disintegrate. My chemotherapy treatments will be every 21 days, the
first 2 days by IV as an outpatient and then the rest of my cycle at home. The
remaining 5 chemotherapy treatments will take us into May by the time of my last


  1. God is in control and the lessons we
    are learning through this

  2. Opportunities we had with doctors
    and nurses to live before them and show them the grace and peace of

  3. My mom, dad and mother-in-law being
    able to come and be here with us, and safety as they traveled
  4. God’s grace and provision in
    many unexpected ways.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Our children Timmy (5), Nicole (4)
    and Austin (2) that they would adjust well to understanding that daddy will have
    good days and bad days.

  2. That I am able to rest as my body is
    very achy and it is hard to find a position to be able to comfortably sleep or

  3. My body physically to do well and
    respond well to future treatments (next starts 2/1)

  4. That Kim and I would take advantage
    of this time together and continue to grow closer to God through

Thanks again for your prayers and

In his grace,

Tim, Kim, Timmy, Nicole &

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Prayer Update

Dear Friends

            What a beginning to the year it has been.  I
feel at times that I am just hanging on to the wildest roller coaster ever
created.  We have seen God working in many different areas these last few weeks
that it is going to be hard to keep this short.  Mary and I were able to sit
down with a Leader from Evangelical Bible Church in Riverlea on Saturday. We enjoyed
our time sharing about the ministry.  The church is very excited about getting
started with the material and I will be preaching there in a few

            Speaking of the material, we were able to get
the Adult QT’s and all of the material turned out to be fantastic.  Many
churches are ordering not only for their Youth Leaders but for the adults in the
church as well.  We are so excited to see and hear about people getting into
God’s Word. 

            Our schedule does not look to be slowing
down anytime soon as well.  We will be starting orientations with 3 different
churches here in the next few weeks.  We will also be preparing to head to
Cape Town next
month to begin working with a number of churches there.  Like I said we are just
holding on and enjoying the ride.  God is simply amazing and we can’t wait to
see what He does next.

Prayer Requests:

  1. New Churches

  2. Youth Leaders and

  3. Upcoming

  4. Family

  5. Schuster’s home to
    sell in 'Maritsburg so they can join the rest of the team in Jo'burg

 Praise Items:

  1. Discipleship of
    young people

  2. New

  3. God's provision for
    the Ministry
In His Service,

Brad Hawkins